Wednesday, December 30, 2020

my father

It took me a while to write the following post. I apologize in advance if it is not interesting to you. I am using this blog mostly as a private journal. And I think it is about time that I finally write down some of the story about my dad. I am trying to find some closure and I think this post might help me.

My father was a very complicated man. He was charming, funny and sweet, but also manipulative, a liar and he could be very brutal. He once hired a guy to cut a woman's hair as punishment. And one time when I met him, I suddenly realized he had lost a finger. He had been in a fight with a client and the client had bitten of his finger.

All my live I wanted his love. He told me many times that he loved me, but I rarely felt it and his actions spoke otherwise.  

Looking back, I can see that my needs and my wishes never really mattered to him. He was too much focused on himself and too much focused on his own life, he just could not see me and my needs. He was too damaged. Or he just didnt give a shit.

At the time I was born, my father was a married man. And my mom was his mistress. 

I do have a half sister who is only 6 months younger than I am. It was complicated right from the beginning.

Over the years my father had 6 children from 4 different women. And all of the children had different approaches when it comes to dealing with dad. I have a sibling who fought against dad all his life. He is a drug addict now. One other sibling tried to not have any feelings involved when he interacted with dad. Another sibling ceased all contact with dad and moved in the Canadian wilderness.  We all tried to find our ways in dealing with dad. And my way was: I tried to support him and be there for him, and be nice to him, and be a good girl.

I grew up with my mom and her parents. I was very much loved by them.

When I was a kid, my father had the biggest and most successful brothel in a big german city. He was a living cliché. He made lots of money, drove Ferraris and 560 SEC Mercedes, and was wearing a huge Rolex watch. 

His wife was a prostitute and working for him.

I remember being a teenager and sleeping in one of the rooms with a whirlpool in the center and waking up and seeing myself in the huge mirror over the bed.

He never supported me financially. Even when my mom and I begged him for money, because money was so frigging tight, he just plainly refused to share his riches with us.

When I was 15 yo, my dad had a girlfriend my age. He was obsessed with her, and even got a tattoo with her name on his arm. He was over 50 yo at the time. The tattoo was so spectacular because it showed how crazy my father had fallen for that girl. He had been a sailor, a truck driver, a sales person, a pimp and he had never gotten a tattoo. And suddenly at the age of over 50 he gets a name of a girl on his arm?...

My father said some impressive things to me. One day, in regards to his young girlfriend, he said: "She got so much that you dont." And he said "I know she is bad for me, but she is so fucking good in bed."

It went ok with them for a while, but then the girl and my dad got in a huge fight and the police was called and the girl said my father had raped her.

He always denied the rape. And I believed him.

It came to a trial.

I was about 17 yo at the time and I was the only family member present at the trial. I was the only one who support my dad. 

When he was in prison, I was the one visiting him and paying him stuff with my own money.

We all felt like: once he gets out again, he will kill the girl. But the opposite was the case. As soon as he got out of prison, he contacted her, made up with her and they spent 60k Euro on vacation and fun.

I was completely uninteresting to him again.

A bit later he moved to Brazil, got 2 kids with a poor Brazilian woman, and when the money got tight for them, I was about 25 yo and in law school at the time, he called me and asked me to raise his two Brazilian kids in Germany for him. ... I declined to do that.

When I saw him the last time, I was about 35 yo  at the time, he asked me for money again. I told him: "I dont have any". And he replied: "Arent you a lawyer? If you are a lawyer and dont have any money by now, you will never make it in life."

I think the schema is: I was trying to please him and make him proud of me. But he was not interested in me. And all my efforts were in vain. Whatever I did, he always wanted more or something different. What I wanted and needed was never of any interest to him.


  1. (sorry for the automatic translation from French)
    Thank you for sharing. I really like what you write. You are a very valuable person. Authentic and sensitive. Take care of yourself. You are really worth it.

    1. Thank you, Michel. The older I get, the more I realize how much I missed from my father. It was a very strange situation. He told me all the time that he loved me, and I loved him all my life, but his words of love towards me were only very rarely followed by actions of love.
      I could never be a child with him. I had to deal with stuff that I was not ready for. He tried to see me, but only very seldom succeeded. It was always about him. If I wanted to be seen by him even a bit, I had to completely dive into his world.

    2. Surely he was unable to love you the way you wanted him to. It's life. He would have liked but he did not know or could not do otherwise.
      You have succeeded in building yourself professionally. And you have taken charge of your love life emotionally. I wish you success because you deserve it. I like what you write.
      Be happy. these are my wishes for 2021.

  2. I cannot begin to imagine the courage it took to write that sad, sad story. My heart goes out to you.

    Here's to new beginnings in a new year and leaving the past behind.

    1. Yes, it was actually pretty difficult to write this post. The words would not really come out of me. But I am glad I wrote it down. In hindsight I can see the obvious: I had to deal with too much adult stuff when I was just a child.

  3. I like your writings. What you expierenced is very impressive: You got the strength to go out of the ban of your father AND still you are able to feel how much you missed the love of your father. I imagine there are a lot of different disturbing feelings connected with him: love, hate, anger, tears..
    How could you get so far? Did you go to a long psychotherapy? What is the help for you to share your story with a lot of people you do not know?

    I fully agree with Michel and specially „Take care of yourself“.

    Good wishes for the new year and your future. Peter

    1. Thanks, Peter.

      "I imagine there are a lot of different disturbing feelings connected with him: love, hate, anger, tears.."
      I always loved him. And I think part of what makes me so strong today is that I have seen so much at a very young age.

      I am great at connecting with people. With all sorts of people. And I am good at seeing people, I mean: Really seeing them with their needs and with all that they are usually hiding.

      I am very much trained to focus on other peoples feelings, to make other people happy, in order to get at least a tiny bit of love/happiness back.

      "How could you get so far? Did you go to a long psychotherapy?"
      I am seeing a psychologist at the moment. She helps me a lot. Over the years I have seen two other psychologists. They all were very helpful.

      "What is the help for you to share your story with a lot of people you do not know?"
      It is good to bring things out in the open. Too much is going on in my head. I am carrying too much alone. It does not matter that I dont know all of you guys in real life. Energetically I can feel your warmth and support.
      I think by writing it down, I wanna yell at the world: "look at me. I am tired of carrying this shit."
      And I think I wanna bring it in the open to not feel any shame any longer. My step dad once said to my mom in anger: What do you want from me? You with your pimp kid." And now I wanna say: yes, my dad was a pimp for a while, and he was very damaged, but he was my father nevertheless.

  4. Thanks for your answers.
    Yes I like your idea very much - to bring the things out in the open!

    My father was not as damaged as yours. He was born 1918 and his father died 1920 (Spanish desease), his mother died 1923 ( I think she starved of hunger). Then he came to relatives with a big farm near landsberg. The relatives have been very hard to him, as he had to pray on wooden peaces, and as he got older he was caned by the employees.
    As father he was always very near to me - but the whole family feared his attacks of anger. As man he was not a good role model for me. Man=angry and also man=needs a lot of love..... A long psychotherapy helped me. Now I have good feelings against him - I fel his power and als the need of love. - And I am also very good trained on other peoples feelings, even if they hidded to themselves. - As child I needed to have a good radar if my father is in good mood or if he is becoming angry.
    If I think about his childhood and the between the wars I get very sad ans I happy that my children grew up in a better time. Today I fear only for the future of my grandchilds.
    Yes, to have good feelings and some understanding for parents which had a bad time - gives a bigger explanation to the own live-story and helps to excuse their behavor.
    I can understand you very good with your power and your way of searching your own history. Thanks for your openess. Peter
