Friday, June 7, 2024

power exchange isn't easy

I recently started offering interactive experiences like corner time and online writing line sessions to connect more deeply with you and to explore the dynamics we all crave. The responses I received were both surprising and enlightening, revealing a lot about what you really want.

The most striking thing I noticed was the dual nature of your desires. On one hand, you wanted me to be strict and take control, bossing you around and creating a strong power exchange. This was to be expected in a scenario where the thrill comes from giving up control.

On the other hand, some of you wanted to dictate how the sessions went, essentially "topping from the bottom." You told me exactly what you wanted and how the session should unfold. This showed a need for control and personalization, even in a dynamic where one party usually takes the lead.

Balancing these desires was an interesting challenge. It meant understanding your boundaries and preferences while being flexible with the session dynamics.

Did I always succeed? Nope.

I struggle with the aspect of maintaining authority while being flexible. For me, it is important to keep my authority while accommodating your input.  It is not easy to preserve the power exchange while respecting your need for agency.

Add to it the element of money and things get even more complicated. Some of you were worried that I would just be interested in getting your money. An accusation that actually hurt my feelings a lot.

Others were trying to make sure I don't scam them. I understand that, taking into consideration the many scams that are to be found online. But then, I am thinking: "come on, man. There are so much easier ways out there to scam someone than writing a blog for over a decade about my own journey, my deepest desires, needs, hopes and cravings."

I made a promise to myself in the past to not give myself away for free ever again. I have done that so many times in the past, I won't do that anymore. That's why I insist on a fee when you want to interact with me personally.

Basically: it's all much more complicated than I was hoping.

If you're still interested in joining a session or have any thoughts to share, feel free to reach out. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

corner time sessions

 Just FYI: I now also offer corner time sessions, meticulously designed to correct misbehavior, enhance self-discipline, and provide an unmatched level of accountability.

Imagine standing in the corner of your own room, feeling my watchful eyes on you through the screen, guiding you towards better behavior and personal growth.

In our sessions, you will be instructed to position yourself in the corner, hands at your sides or on your head, as I observe and ensure you maintain the proper stance. 

My stern voice will remind you of the reasons you're there, reinforcing the lessons you need to learn. You will experience the powerful blend of humiliation and introspection, knowing that I am in control, and you are under my strict supervision.

I understand that it takes immense courage to submit to me and relinquish control. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and transgressions. Whether you're being punished for a recent misdeed or working to overcome bad habits, my firm but fair approach will keep you focused and motivated. I offer a safe and confidential space where you can submit to my authority and embrace the discipline you crave.

Are you ready to stand in the corner, feel the weight of my presence, and emerge as a better version of yourself?

Disobedience will not be tolerated. You have been warned.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Online Writing Line Session For You


Are you ready to embark on a journey of discipline and self-improvement unlike any other? I'm thrilled to extend to you a special invitation to participate in an extraordinary experience: an Online Writing Lines Session.

In this exclusive 2-hour session, you will have the unparalleled opportunity to engage with me, a skilled disciplinarian, who will expertly guide you through the art of writing lines. But let me assure you, this is far more than a mere exercise in penmanship. It's an exploration of power dynamics, submission, and the eroticism inherent in discipline, all from the comfort and privacy of your own space.

Now, you may be wondering what exactly this entails. Picture this: you, seated before your computer screen, pen in hand, as I command your attention with my authoritative presence. With each stroke of your pen, you'll be not only refining your handwriting but also delving deep into the psyche of submission, obedience, and focus.

But fear not, my friends, for this session is not about intimidation or coercion. It's about creating a safe and nurturing environment where you can freely explore your desires and boundaries. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner well-versed in the rituals of kink or someone curious to dip their toes into this captivating world, this session welcomes all with open arms.

But let's not ignore the elephant in the room: the tantalizingly humiliating aspect of this experience. In the controlled environment of our session, you'll find that the feelings of humiliation and submission, often elusive in real life, come easily and naturally. As you obediently write line after line under my watchful eyes, you'll feel a delicious blend of shame and arousal wash over you, heightening your senses and intensifying your experience.

You'll discover the satisfaction that comes from surrendering to discipline.  And yes, for the tantalizingly affordable investment of $50, you can secure your place in this transformative experience.

So, if you're eager to explore the depths of your desires and embrace the thrill of submission, seize this opportunity today. Spaces are limited, and demand is high, so don't miss your chance to embark on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and erotic exploration.

Just drop me a line at 

diestarkefrau (at)

Looking forward to hearing from you.


mouth soaping

In the hushed aftermath of a friend's wedding, Eric and Tina found themselves navigating a night that would forever linger in their memories. 

The air was thick with jubilation and the echoes of laughter, yet it was overshadowed by the discord that had unfolded between them. Tina, steadfast and sober, held the role of designated driver with grace, her eyes focused on the road ahead as Eric's voice slurred and stumbled through the night air. 

The once jovial atmosphere had taken a somber turn as Eric's words cut through the mirth, the sting of his accusation settling like a stone in the pit of Tina's stomach.  "You are a fucking bitch, Tina. Stay away from me, you bitch. You always want to be in control, I don’t want to have anything to do with you" Eric kept saying over and over.  He was drunk, very drunk, and Tina was scared, very scared. Scared of him. 

As they journeyed homeward, Tina's heart ached, her emotions a whirlwind of hurt and helplessness. Eric's actions had betrayed a side of him she had rarely seen—an aggression fueled by alcohol, directed at her, his beloved partner. 

The weight of his words was a heavy burden, one that pressed upon Tina's shoulders as she maneuvered through the streets. The drive home was fraught with tension, the car a cocoon of silence punctuated by Eric's slurred insults. Each syllable chipped away at Tina's heart, her grip on the steering wheel tightening as she struggled to keep her composure. She yearned for the laughter and camaraderie that had filled their evening, now tainted by Eric's mean and hurtful words.

 As they finally pulled into their driveway, Tina's heart was heavy with a mixture of relief and sorrow. With a heavy sigh, she turned to Eric, her eyes searching his for a glimpse of the man she knew was still there beneath the alcohol-induced haze. "We're home, Eric," her voice was gentle, her words an attempt to calm him down and not infuriate him even more. Quietly they went to bed in separate rooms that night.

The weight of his actions settled heavily upon him as he sobered up the next morning, his heart heavy with regret. Tina's eyes held a mixture of disappointment and hurt as she looked at Eric. Her voice, laced with a raw edge, resonated through the room, laying bare the impact of his words. "Eric, what you said last night was hurtful and unacceptable." His heart sank as he listened to Tina's words. The reality of his actions hit him like a tidal wave, the gravity of his mistake gnawing at his conscience. He felt a mixture of shame and remorse. Tina's emotions were palpable, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and sadness as she continued, "What the fuck were you doing? I thought we had built a foundation of respect and trust. Calling me those words goes against everything we stand for. Do you really think I am a bitch? Is this really how you feel about me?"

Eric's gaze remained fixed on the ground. His words caught in his throat. He knew he had crossed a line, a line that marked a breach of the bond they had nurtured over time. The thought of disappointing Tina, of tarnishing their connection, weighed heavily on his heart. The weight of his actions bore down on him, a relentless reminder of the hurt he had caused. 

Eric's heart clenched as he met Tina's gaze, her eyes a reflection of the pain his words had inflicted. The realization of the depth of his mistake gnawed at his conscience, and he felt a pang of remorse that settled heavily in his chest. Tina's voice wavered with a mix of anger and sadness; her emotions laid bare. "I was so scared of you, last night. You showed a totally different character. I felt like I didn’t even know you."

His throat tightened, words failing him as he absorbed the magnitude of his failure. He wanted to take back those words, to erase the pain he had caused, but he knew that wasn't possible.  As Tina's eyes held his, her voice grew firmer, her emotions brimming to the surface. "I won't stand for this kind of behavior, Eric. There needs to be consequences for your words."

Eric's heart raced, anxiety coursing through his veins. He knew he deserved consequences for his thoughtless actions, but the uncertainty of what Tina had in mind left him both apprehensive and curious. 

Tina's next words struck him with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. "You need to understand the impact of your words, Eric. And I believe a fitting consequence is for you to experience the discomfort you caused." With a determined grace, Tina retrieved a bar of soap from the nearby sink. 

The sight of it in her hand sent a shiver down Eric's spine, a mixture of apprehension and a sinking realization of what was to come. Tina's voice was steady, her tone unwavering. "Open your mouth, Eric." 

Eric's heart raced as he complied, his lips parting to reveal the void where words had once flowed without restraint. The taste of soap met his tongue, a bitter reminder of the consequences of his actions. As the soap suds mingled with his taste buds, his gaze remained fixed on Tina, a mix of humility and regret etched across his features. Tina's eyes held a blend of sternness and compassion, her voice softening as she spoke. "This might be uncomfortable, but I want you to remember this feeling. Just as your words left a bitter taste, your actions had a lasting impact." Eric nodded, his eyes locked with Tina's, his understanding mirrored in his gaze. The taste of the bar of soap was a visceral reminder of the lesson he was learning, a lesson that extended beyond the physical discomfort. 

As the taste of soap lingered on his tongue, Eric felt a mixture of humility and gratitude. He knew that Tina's actions were a reflection of her commitment to their relationship, her determination to guide him on a path of accountability and redemption. But at the same time he felt embarrassed and ashamed. He knew his behavior last night was totally out of line and he feared that Tina might not forgive him for his hurtful words and behavior. He knew that his actions had cast a shadow over the night, his drunkenness unraveling the threads of restraint he had so carefully woven. 

As the echoes of his slurred words lingered in the air, Tina found herself standing at the crossroads of anger and concern. With a sad look on her face, Tina looked at Eric—a man she loved deeply, a man who had lost himself to the intoxicating haze. 

The emotion that swelled within her was a tumultuous blend of frustration and fear—a fear of the demons that alcohol had unleashed, a frustration at the recklessness that had wounded their sacred connection. As the minutes ticked by, Eric's vulnerability was a stark contrast to the bravado he had exuded last night. His gaze, once confident, now held a glimmer of remorse—a mirror reflecting the reality of his actions. The weight of his drunken words had left scars, and Tina knew that these scars ran deep, impacting the fabric of their bond. 

With a mixture of determination and tenderness, Tina's voice broke the silence, her words infused with a fierce sincerity. "You can take the bar of soap out of your mouth now. But Eric, I want you to understand that what happened tonight was not okay. Your words hurt, and your actions crossed a line."