Friday, October 18, 2024

The -not so-secret dynamic

Eric sat in the hospital cafeteria, sipping his coffee while chatting with a few colleagues during their break. The conversation flowed easily among the group of doctors, each sharing stories from their day. But as the discussion turned personal, he felt a sudden wave of warmth creep into his cheeks.

“Hey, Eric,” one of his colleagues, Mike, smirked. “Are you still dating that dominant lawyer? What’s her name again? Tina?”

Eric’s heart raced, and he instinctively looked down at the table, suddenly self-conscious. He hadn’t realized their dynamic was so easily recognizable to his friends. “Uh, yeah,” he replied, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. “Tina.”

The others exchanged knowing glances, their interest piqued. “You know, it’s pretty obvious how much she keeps you in line,” another colleague chimed in, chuckling. “I mean, you’re a successful doctor, but she definitely seems to wear the pants in that relationship.”

Eric felt his face flush even deeper. “It’s not like that,” he stammered, feeling defensive. But deep down, he knew that there was truth in their teasing. He loved Tina’s strong presence and the way she guided him; it was something he had come to cherish.

“Come on, man,” Mike said with a grin. “It’s okay to admit it. You’re a respected MD, but you seem a bit… well, submissive when it comes to her. Do you actually like being told what to do?”

Eric squirmed in his seat. “I mean, it’s complicated,” he finally said, glancing around to see if anyone else was listening. “Tina and I have an understanding. She keeps me grounded, and I appreciate that.”

“Sounds like a classic dominant/submissive relationship,” another colleague added, nodding knowingly. “You might not want to admit it, but it suits you. I can’t imagine you trying to be the boss at home after a long day at work.”

Eric sighed, knowing they were right. The truth was, he found comfort in Tina’s strong leadership. It allowed him to step back from the pressures of his job and embrace a different side of himself—one that didn’t have to be in control all the time. “I guess you could say that,” he admitted, his voice softer. “She really cares about me and holds me accountable.”

“See? You’re not just some tough MD,” Mike teased. “You’ve got a soft side, and it’s nice to see. Just don’t forget to take off your shoes when you get home.”

The group erupted into laughter, and Eric couldn’t help but join in, even if it was through a mix of embarrassment and amusement. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ll remember that.”

As the laughter subsided, Eric reflected on the conversation. He was grateful to have colleagues who accepted him, even if they teased him about his relationship. The dynamic with Tina was something he cherished, and he felt proud to be with someone who brought out a different, more vulnerable side of him.

“Just remember, man,” Mike said, leaning back in his chair, “being with someone like Tina isn’t a weakness. It takes strength to let someone else lead, especially when you’re used to being the boss.”

Eric met his friend’s gaze and smiled, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. “Thanks, Mike. I really appreciate that.”

As they finished their break, Eric couldn’t shake the warmth of the conversation. He might blush at the teasing, but he knew that being with Tina was a choice he embraced wholeheartedly. It was a partnership built on trust, accountability, and love—a dynamic that made him feel more alive than ever.

Walking out of the cafeteria, he felt lighter, ready to face the rest of his day. And when he got home, he would take off his shoes—just as Tina expected.


  1. Wow, great write. The best part is this:
    “Just remember, man,” Mike said, leaning back in his chair, “being with someone like Tina isn’t a weakness. It takes strength to let someone else lead, especially when you’re used to being the boss.”

    soooooo relatable. So glad there are dominant women, like my wife/mistress, to guide us.

  2. Lucky Eric.
    So many elements of these posts resonate with me. The firm, maternal control, his desire to not disappoint her, the near panic when he does, the eroticism of corner time. The scenario of a long shopping excursion he found boring, only to be put in his place when he complained was one that struck a particular chord with me. It's been a recurring fantasy of mine for years.
    In many ways, it would be the ideal relationship to me. Strict accountability, discipline, punishment, forgiveness, all done with loving authority. I could see it making me strive to be a better man, a better partner, to please her, anticipate her needs, make her proud. Even though I enjoy being spanked (really, really enjoy it!), I imagine in this context I would do everything to avoid it, only because I'd want to earn her approval more than any physical gratification. Definitely a strong mother/son tone to it all and I'm okay with that.
    I hope you grace us with more posts like these, Tina. Thank you.
