Saturday, June 19, 2021

why it is a privilege to write lines for me

Over the years a lot of men have wanted to write lines for me. That sounds pretty crazy, right? 

But I understand why they wanted to do that. We all know that there are not exactly many women out there who actually enjoy handing out and  receiving written lines.

However, only very few of the men who approached me did actually receive lines, let alone punishment lines, from me. I don't "play" when it comes to lines. They are too important to me. Not the lines, but what the lines stand for.

I really treasure the lines I receive. I still have the very first lines a man ever wrote to me. The line was "Tina does not like to be kept waiting." I had the man write that line 200 times, because, as you might have guessed, he made me wait and I did not like that :-)

When  I actually received these lines in the regular mail, years ago,  I felt like a kid on Christmas. I was overjoyed, and super happy. 

A few months later, when I actually met the man who had written these lines to me, he showed me a table in his room and said intimately: "Look, here is where I wrote the lines for you. " The lines were as important for him as they were for me.

When I moved to the US last year I pretty much got rid of all my possessions /belongings in Germany. I immigrated to the US with only one suitcase. But among all the important documents and papers that I brought with me, between law license, birth certificate and financial documents, I also brought the letter with the lines with me. That is how much I still treasure it.

From my point of view, if I "allow" a man to write lines for me, it shows that I think he is a great guy. I only invest my time in men who I think are worth my time and who deserve my time. Sure, the man has to invest much more time than me, lol, but make no mistake about it, I do invest a lot of thougths and energy in the man too.

If I have a guy write lines for me, I put a lot of thought in it. I dont want to give the man an impossible task, but I want to challenge him, and teach him a lesson, and give him that terrible but at the same time beautiful feeling in his stomach, that comes with the realization of: "She is in control now, I gotta do what she tells me to do, The thing is out of my power, I  just gotta obey."

I want him to actually learn something. About me, about himself, about life in general. I want to help him to grow. I feel like: the world is a hard and complicated enough place already. There is no sense in making life for each other even harder. I come from a standpoint of: we are all in it together. We are all doing best if we support and uplift each other. 

That is why I never hand out lines that degrade a person. I don't hand out lines that are meant to belittle the writer. I am following a guy on fetlife who had to write " I am a useless submissive, not even deserving the name "slave" ". I know, some peole get turned on a lot by having to write lines like that, but for me, it feels like: What message are you actually feeding your heart and brain with?  Can you imagine what  negative impact it might have on your psyche and on your general view of yourself if you write " I am useless" over and over and over again?

I might hand out lines like: " I better accept right away that I am a magnificent human being, full of talents, creativity and gifts." I see it as my mission in life to help other people see themselves with caring and loving eyes. It might be because my own inner self talk is so harsh and negative, I feel like: This crazyness has to stop. And because I am having troubles changing myself, lol, I set my intention on helping others to change,

For me, with the lines, it is never about the lines itself. It is always about making an impact on another person's life. It is about giving him a push in the right direction, it is about seeing himself through my eyes and helping him see what I see: namely a wonderful man who is trying his best in a challenging world.

I hand out lines to a man, for instance, if I see that he is working too hard and if I want to slow him down a bit. I want to give him a mental space to feel calm and centered again and to get away from the noise of the daily life. I give him an oportunity to connect with his true self again. All he has to do is focus on the task at hand and write the same sentence over and over again. And while he writes he can "enjoy" that certain feeling in his stomach, that tells him that for once he is out of control. His only job is to write the lines and write them neatly. 

Make no mistake about it, just because I am all nice and positive and uplifting, it doesn't mean I accept sloppy handwriting. The men who wrote for me know that. I am not hesitating to tell them to rewrite lines or the whole task, if I think he did a sloppy job.

There is a different side to line writing: I have seen men who use the line writing as an excuse to not thrive in real life. It is like writing the lines is a means for them to escape reality and to escape responsibility. They want to write more and more. They enjoy the kinky activity and the submissive feeling too much that comes with being told to sit down and write. If I see that happening I won't hand out one single line to that guy anymore. I dont see sense in actually wasting time. 

My lines and my line punishments all have an actual purpose. And the purpose is to help the man to let his light shine. (Because that is actually what I want for myself too.) If that pushes his submissive buttons: good for him, it's a win win. But if I see that all the guy is focusing on is getting his kinky buttons pushed and avoiding dealing with the real life stuff, I lose my interest in him right away.

I am in a very privileged position. I can pick and choose out of a huge pool of men who want to write for me. I have become great over the years in uncovering "reality avoiders". I am just not interested in them. 

I feel attracted to men who have a full and successful real life, who tend to work more than they "should", who really feel the pain/suffering of losing a few hours to writing lines for me. Men who can see that what I am giving to them and doing to them is much more than just telling them to write a few lines. Because what I am actually doing is caring about them.


  1. Great post. I hope they all appreciate the gift you are giving them.


  2. You are so full of yourself!. Your arrogance is amazing. You actually think your "lines" improve a man;s life? They're a jerk off tool. You're a jerk off tool!. You are no as significant as you think you are. My God!


  3. Hello Madam,
    First of all, please excuse me for my text which sometimes may not be readable because I use google translate. My English is quite weak and I do not speak German.

    Thank you for this beautiful text.
    I feel your deep respect, your love, for submissive men. You allow them to flourish.
    Through this work of the lines, or this punishment of the lines, You help them to surpass themselves. The same is true, I think, for corner times. This is not a demeaning act or personal pleasure for You. It goes beyond the kinky aspect of the punishment. You help them to focus, to surpass themselves, to reflect on themselves and on their relationship to You.
    This work, they can only do it because You are there, because they feel You present, demanding. Your requirement becomes theirs.

    I agree with You, a submissive is above all a strong man, balanced in his life. A man who chooses to bow to a woman, to trust her. A man who knows that, guided by a woman, he will surpass himself and grow.

    There is a spiritual dimension to your approach to domination. I would like to explore this reflection with You. Men need spirituality, some women can bring them this food.

    Hallo Frau,
    Bitte entschuldigen Sie zunächst meinen Text, der manchmal nicht lesbar ist, da ich Google Translate verwende. Mein Englisch ist ziemlich schwach und ich spreche kein Deutsch.

    Danke für diesen schönen Text.
    Ich spüre deinen tiefen Respekt, deine Liebe für unterwürfige Männer. Du lässt sie gedeihen.
    Durch diese Linienarbeit oder diese Bestrafung der Linien hilfst Du ihnen, sich selbst zu übertreffen. Das gleiche gilt, denke ich, für Eckzeiten. Dies ist weder eine erniedrigende Handlung noch ein persönliches Vergnügen für Sie. Es geht über den perversen Aspekt der Bestrafung hinaus. Du hilfst ihnen, sich zu fokussieren, sich selbst zu übertreffen, über sich selbst und ihre Beziehung zu Dir nachzudenken.
    Diese Arbeit können sie nur tun, weil Du da bist, weil sie Dich gegenwärtig und fordernd fühlen. Ihre Anforderung wird ihre.

    Ich stimme Dir zu, ein unterwürfiger Mensch ist vor allem ein starker Mann, ausgeglichen in seinem Leben. Ein Mann, der sich vor einer Frau verneigt, ihr vertraut. Ein Mann, der das weiß, wird, geleitet von einer Frau, sich selbst übertreffen und wachsen.

    Dein Ansatz zur Herrschaft hat eine spirituelle Dimension. Diese Reflexion möchte ich mit Ihnen erforschen. Männer brauchen Spiritualität, manche Frauen können ihnen dieses Essen bringen.

    1. Thank you very much for your nice comment.

  4. Wow I am surprised by what Wayne anonymous wrote here. He seems to have some issues.

    And I am a bit surprised that you let his comment through. But good for you: his comment speaks for itself

    best wishes in your fun

    1. Yes, I was pretty surprised by his comment too. As soon as I saw the comment I replied to it right away, but deleted my own comment again. I dont wanna escalate things. I don't know Wayne, but I think I must have somehow triggered him badly.

  5. While physical punishment & discipline, such as spanking, are obviously hugely popular and have strong sexual connotations, the less physical punishments such as writing lines, corner time, scolding, being deprived of a treat or activity, and early bedtimes (with no supper, of course), are even more of a statement of dominance and submission. There's no physical sexual pleasure for the sub, no tingling backside, no friction across a nylon-clad knee. Instead, it's a tedium experienced alone, hand cramping after 100 lines, knees aching after 45 minutes in the corner, face burning as you silently listen to her tell you all the ways you've misbehaved and disappointed, lying in bed alone while the sun is still shining, listening to others outside enjoying themselves. It's that voluntary submission that makes it 10X hotter than any spanking (of course, those are amazing too!).
