Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Let's Talk: My Book "Embracing Her Lead" and the Controversy

Hey, everyone!

So, my last blog post about my new book, "Embracing Her Lead," stirred up quite a fuss. 

My Controversial Book Here is the link to my book

Let's dive right in! "Embracing Her Lead. A guide to thriving in female led relationships" is all about female-led relationships, and men under the control of women, a topic that gets folks talking....

I put my heart and soul into this project because I believe it's an important subject. But hey, not everyone will see it the way I do, and that's totally fine. Different opinions make the world interesting!

I got some thoughtful critiques, and I appreciate them all. Constructive criticism helps us grow, so I'm taking your feedback to heart for future projects.

Why Some Comments Didn't Make It

Now, about those comments I didn't post – anything with hate speech or personal attacks got the boot.

I also skipped over comments with spoilers. Let's keep the surprises alive for everyone!

Lastly, I didn't post comments that made my feelings hurt.

Despite the controversy, I'm still stoked about "Embracing Her Lead." It dives into an important topic, and I've worked hard to make it thought-provoking. Not everyone will agree with the message, and that's cool. Just give it a read with an open mind.

Thanks for being part of this journey!


  1. My wife knows me very well, if she did not take the lead, and she loves me alot, the marriage would not have lasted. I have learned that women know more than they let on and wish they would let on more. Jack

  2. Tina I wish I had someone like you in my life ! You are a breath of fresh air!

  3. I'm confused (not unusual). Where are the comments you DID post? Or weren't there any?
    By the way, I would have loved to have purchased your book and, as a professional writer and editor for over 30 years, shared my thoughts with you, but I share my Amazon account with other family members, including grandchildren, and we can all see each other's purchases. and browsing history!

    1. I received many emails and comments that I did not publish.

    2. Ah, okay. Thank you for the explanation.
