Sunday, August 7, 2022

dark night of the soul

The last weeks/months have been brutal. I went through very dark moments. I will spare you the details. The gist of it is:

I am still in the US and things have somewhat changed to the better. 

I am working as a caregiver for a woman now and finally have some steady income. I make the enormous amount of $18.22 per hour. I sometimes work 12 hour shifts and we will see how my back reacts to it. I live in one of the most expensive places in the US and I have no idea how I am supposed to make ends meet with that salary. But at this point I take what I can get. I work so much, I just cant work  more.  

The people at my work, and especially the patient, are very appreciative and nice though and for the first time in a very long time I feel seen and appreciated again. I have been told many times that me taking on this  specific caregiver job was the answer of prayers of some of the people involved.  They had been praying for someone like me. 

I know that I am a great care giver. I always was. Still am. And taking care of people comes naturally to me. Uplifting people and helping people through dark times  is something I am very good at.  The challenging part for me is not to lose myself. The high of being needed is very addictive to me. I am very much aware of the fact though that my own energy is not as good/high as it  once was.

I applied for all sorts of legal jobs, but nothing worked out. At one point I was applying for a legal job in the country of Jordan. I just wanted to get away from the situation I was in. But even the job in Jordan did not work out.

Some of you have reached out to me, but I did not respond. I just did not have the energy nor the time. Today is the first day in weeks that I have some time for myself. 

I finally masturbated again today. That is always a good sign for me. It means that my energy is returning. And the videos I am masturbating to are still bdsm/femdom/domestic discipline related. I think my sexual preference will never change. I think the more my real life forces me in a position of being the servant to others ( both in my job as a caregiver and in my side jobs as nanny) the more I crave to have my dominant needs met. I am trying so hard to make my life here in the US work, I am bending backwards for the people I work for, and I am craving to have somebody tell me: "Tina,  I see how hard you are trying. I see how hard you are working. I am proud of you. I believe in you." In my real life  now I have to walk on eggshells constantly. I think that's why I love the kink so much. It allows me to just go for what I want and just take what I so desperately need. I have written about it so often, and I dont want to be repetitive, but basically: A man offering me his submission is the quickest way into my heart and into my pants. A man trusting me with his butt is so powerful because  by letting me do to his butt whatever I want, he is telling me: "I know you got this. I am so sure about it, I trust you with my butt :-)" 

Speaking about butts: After much pondering, I am now finally willing to take the right guy over my knees. No sex, no kissing, just real life maternal style scolding and discipline. If you are interested, drop me a line and we will see if we can arrange something.

Oh, and to the few who have asked: YES, PLEASE send me an amazon gift card if you wanna support me. I am telling you,  the 18.22 an hour that I am making are keeping my chin over water, but i am still very much struggling. 


  1. Thanks for sharing all that. I hope some respond to you. I would help you but things are rough for me at this time as well.

    1. Thanks. I appreciate every good thought and all good energy that is sent towards me.

  2. Well, some lucky fellow will have his dreams come true, and hopefully, you will benefit as well, Ms. Tina.

  3. Tina,
    I like to read you. I am moved when I read your story.
    You are going through a difficult time. I have no doubt that you will come out of it because you have great qualities.
    I am not surprised when you say that you are appreciated in your work. You know how to listen, take care of others. All your posts over the years bear witness to this.
    You like to dominate and you know how to dominate with love.
    I hope you find your balance. Take care of yourself.
    Google Translate

    Ich lese dich gerne. Ich bin gerührt, wenn ich deine Geschichte lese.
    Du durchlebst eine schwierige Zeit. Ich habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass Sie daraus hervorgehen werden, weil Sie großartige Qualitäten haben.
    Ich bin nicht überrascht, wenn Sie sagen, dass Sie in Ihrer Arbeit geschätzt werden. Du weißt, wie man zuhört, sich um andere kümmert. Davon zeugen all Ihre Postings der letzten Jahre.
    Du magst es zu dominieren und du weißt, wie man mit Liebe dominiert.
    Ich hoffe du findest dein Gleichgewicht. Pass auf dich auf.
    Google Übersetzer

    1. Thanks Anonymous. Your words made me tear up. They touched me in a good way. I am working on getting my balance back.

  4. Hallo Tina,

    es ist bewegend deine Reise zu .lesen und auch die Schwierigkeiten die dir entgegenkommen. Bist du noch in deiner Partnerschaft? Die Zeilen lesen sich sehr düster, als müsstest du für alles alleine sorgen.

    1. Ja, die letzte Zeit war wirklich duester. Aber ich bin noch auf meiner Reise. Und es ist auch schon etwas Licht am Ende des Tunnels zu sehen. Vielen Dank fuer deine Unterstuetzung.

  5. It's good to hear from you, though I'm really sorry to hear that your difficult time is ongoing :(. Thank you for sharing the challenges you are facing: I think that kind of reality is something D/s folks rarely see from those who write about it.

    I'm pretty sure I asked something similar previously (and it's none of my business of course), but I just don't understand why your post sounds like you're there on your own, especially with regard to finances.

    Surely your husband is financially secure, has a job that allows him to live reasonably well, rents or owns a place that he has paid for for many years, and had you move there with the full knowledge that he was going to have to support you when you moved to the US while you worked to re-qualify there as a lawyer and knew he was able to do so? Assuming he didn't move to a bigger place, two people isn't substantially more expensive than one, so I don't get it.

    Why are you worried about 'making ends meet'? Or is he struggling also, and were you both relying on your income to continue to live where he was living before he met you?

    Does your husband support your seeking out someone else for scolding and discipline? Even though you say 'no sex, no kissing', you know, of course, how emotionally powerful that kind of play can be. If you're not in a good and honest emotional place with your husband, this is likely the beginning of the end of your relationship. Perhaps this is intentional on your part since your relationship hasn't worked out how you hoped?

    You sound so lonely and I'm sorry for that also. Please be cautious with your tender heart.


    1. Ferns, I totally understand what you are saying. Your words make sense. I'd love to give some explanations but I just cant. It would involve to much info about my husband and he has made it clear that he does not want to be involved in my blog. So, let's ignore all the aspects that are related to him. But as far as i am concerned: I have picked up terrible beliefs about money when I grew up. Among else I learned that it is ok that everybody around me has money, but that I dont deserve to have some. Neither my biological father nor my step father supported me financially, even though they both had a lot of money. (My stepfather being an orthopedic surgeon and my bio father being a pimp...). When I was a teenager I made a vow to the universe that I wont ever strive for gold and riches, like my bio dad did, but that I would instead focus on caring for people and studying and reading and inner values. That program was serving me well when i was a teenager, but it is a terrible program to have running in the background as an adult. In the last years I have been working hard to change my own old money beliefs. And it seems like I am slowly making progress. But it was a long way full of obstacles and setbacks. i am not where I want to be yet. But I see changes in the right direction. You know, in theory, when I was a lawyer without kids and working fulltime in Germany, I should have made a fortune already. But I did not. And when I moved to the US, there was so much other stuff going on, with taking care of the old family member and the pandemic, that I just wasnt making any money at all. But i still got bills to pay in Germany, like student loan etc. Anyway, I just wanted to explain myself a bit to you and to the world because believe me, I AM feeling like a failure for still begging here on my blog for financial donations.

  6. Come to Australia ! Plenty of work snd I would welcome your domination dear fraulein! Smiles

    1. lol, no, I am not doing the whole immigration process again. One time to the US is enough. Sorry Australia :-)

  7. Sorry to hear about your difficulties and pain, Tina

    How do we send you an Amazon card?


    1. You can send the gift card code to diestarkefrau(at)

  8. Wonderful to see you finding an avenue for your own needs. To be understood, appreciated, and valued is a human need, and all people need that, and it's not always easy to find, even sometimes in a good relationship. Your work is an essential part of your healing, and an important part of taking care of yourself. It is good that you are taking the time to understand your needs, and to know yourself, and to make the choices you need to to take care of your needs.

    Life brings unexpected challenges, and twists and turns that we cannot foresee. You are beginning to reassert your ownership of that journey, one tiny piece at a time. As always: Wishing you the best on your journey.
