Monday, August 14, 2023

A Letter of Unspoken Words

Dear Ex-boyfriend,

I've been grappling with my thoughts for a while now, trying to make sense of the silence that is between us. It's not easy for me to put these emotions into words, but I believe that every feeling deserves to be acknowledged.

I want you to know that the ghost of your absence still haunts me. The pain of your sudden disappearance left me with a void that I struggle to fill. I'm left with unanswered questions and untold stories. What once felt like a beautiful chapter in my life now feels like an unfinished tale.

Though time has passed, the wound of your silence remains. It's not just the absence of your presence but the absence of an explanation that has left me in pieces. The lack of closure has been a weight that's hard to bear.

I often find myself wondering what went wrong. Was it something I said or did? Or was it something I didn't say or do? The uncertainty has played havoc with my heart, making it hard to trust and move forward.

I understand that life takes unexpected turns, and sometimes people choose to part ways without explanation. But allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and honest can be the most humane way to bring closure to each other's stories. It's not about assigning blame; it's about understanding and respect.

I hope that someday, whether through words or silence, you find a way to mend what was broken. Closure doesn't mean rekindling what we had, but rather acknowledging the impact we had on each other's lives.

Until then, I'm left here with my thoughts and emotions, trying to navigate a path to healing. This letter isn't meant to burden you; it's my way of releasing these feelings that have been trapped inside.

Wishing you all the best in your journey ahead.


  1. I understand the sense of loss as I went through a fairly quick divorce without any understanding of why ! Whilst it has been a few years I still look back on occasions and ask why ! Does it really matter ? I guess a reason can soothe tge soul and just give you clear air ! I hope you find your peace ! Ps being a submissive I read your profile and story’s and would be happy to bend over for you 😀

  2. I'm so sorry that you continue to to carry the weight of his betrayal. It's unfair and cruel and a particularly awful form of grief.
    Nothing anyone else says or does is going to help; only you can break through the veil somehow and I hope you are able to soon. He doesn't deserve to take up that much space in your heart.

  3. I would have thought with how difficult it is to find the perfect person in this world, even moreso with this lifestyle, he would have at least explained to you, and attempt to assuage your pain. I was ghosted, but we still talk, occasionally. And i would still talk/help her, any way i could. I'm sorry, Tina. No one deserves what you went through.
