Thursday, August 24, 2023

the sad night my partner called me "a bitch"

 I need to write the  following as a "fictional story", even though it actually happened in real life.  Even after many years my emotions are still raw and I am still trying to cope with it.

It happened after a great wedding of a friend. And I am still not over it. I think my point in posting it is to let the guys who are reading my blog know how much alcohol sucks....the guy who did it to me has no idea how much it is all still hurting me.And note: yes, it happened in a allegedly female led relationship, that is why it made me feel even more helpless and powerless, because it was so unexpected.

In the hushed aftermath of a friend's wedding, Eric and Tina found themselves navigating a night that would forever linger in their memories. The air was thick with jubilation and the echoes of laughter, yet it was overshadowed by the discord that had unfolded between them.

Tina, steadfast and sober, held the role of designated driver with grace, her eyes focused on the road ahead as Eric's voice slurred and stumbled through the night air. The once jovial atmosphere had taken a somber turn as Eric's words cut through the mirth, the sting of his accusation settling like a stone in the pit of Tina's stomach. "You are a fucking bitch. Stay away from me, you bitch. You always want to be in control, I dont want to have anything to do with you" Eric kept saying over and over. He was drunk, very drunk, and Tina was scared, very scared. Scared of him.

As they journeyed homeward, Tina's heart ached, her emotions a whirlwind of hurt and helplessness. Eric's actions had betrayed a side of him she had rarely seen—an aggression fueled by alcohol, directed at her, his beloved partner. The weight of his words was a heavy burden, one that pressed upon Tina's shoulders as she maneuvered through the streets.

The drive home was fraught with tension, the car a cocoon of silence punctuated by Eric's slurred insults. Each syllable chipped away at Tina's heart, her grip on the steering wheel tightening as she struggled to keep her composure. She yearned for the laughter and camaraderie that had filled their evening, now tainted by Eric's mean and hurtful words.

As they finally pulled into their driveway, Tina's heart was heavy with a mixture of relief and sorrow. With a heavy sigh, she turned to Eric, her eyes searching his for a glimpse of the man she knew was still there beneath the alcohol-induced haze. "We're home, Eric," her voice was gentle, her words an attempt to calm him down and not infuriate him even more.....

The next morning brought with it a sense of clarity and a wave of raw emotions. As sunlight filtered through the curtains, Tina's gaze settled on Eric, a mixture of concern and determination etched across her features. She couldn't ignore the pain of the previous night's confrontation; it demanded to be addressed.

With a deep breath, Tina's voice was firm as she looked into Eric's eyes. "We need to talk about what happened last night, Eric."

Eric's expression shifted from grogginess to realization, his gaze meeting Tina's with a mixture of remorse and uncertainty. He knew he had crossed a line, and the memory of his actions hung heavy in the air.

Tina's voice held a blend of hurt and resolve as she continued. "Calling me those names was way out of line, Eric. I won't accept that kind of behavior from you, no matter the circumstances."

Eric's gaze dropped to the floor, shame and regret weighing down his words as he replied, "I know, Tina. I messed up. I was drunk."

Tina's emotions were palpable, her voice carrying a mix of disappointment and a longing for understanding. "I need you to understand how your words affected me, Eric. You hurt me deeply, and it's not something I'll easily forget."

As Eric listened, the gravity of his actions settled upon him like a heavy cloak. The pain he had caused Tina was a stark reminder of the consequences of his recklessness. He nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and a determination to make things right.

"I'm truly sorry, Tina," his words held sincerity, a genuine acknowledgment of the hurt he had inflicted. 

Tina's gaze softened, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "It's going to take time, Eric. Rebuilding trust won't happen overnight."


  1. The misuse of alcohol is inexcusable. The end result is always 100% asshole, shooting off his or mouth, hurting others, disgracing themselves. There's nothing fun or funny about losing control of oneself. It's simply stupid.
    I have no problem with anyone having a drink, myself included. The key word is 'A' drink. I never have more than one, and that almost always with a meal. I can still drive, if need be, still respond to situations appropriately, still be of some use and value to others.
    Drunks are a special kind of idiot and not worth anyone's time. One incident can perhaps be excused, if they are an otherwise decent and considerate person. Any subsequent incidents and kick them to them the curb.
    BTW, the only 'in vino veritas' is them displaying their selfish immaturity by their actions, not their slurred, befuddled words.

  2. Where's the spanking? There was supposed to be a gigantic, earth-shattering spanking. :-)

  3. This feels real. Sorry for your pain, Tina. Not easy to fix that. Spanking is a fun thing; that's emotional pain you're putting up with.

    Warm wishes
