Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My 40th birthday

I am turning 40 tomorrow.

No big party though. Just a nice lunch with 3 or 4 friends and a dinner at home with some other friends. 

It is an interesting time in my life. I am trying to understand who I am and where I am at in my life. The past 5 years here with my blog have been a big pleasure for me. I thank each one of you who ever wrote or commented on my blog.

I sometimes get the same questions over and over again, so I decided to publicly answer some faq.

Are you real?

Why do you write in English?
In the beginning, when I opened my blog, it was much easier to talk about such deep and intimate and "secret" feelings in another language. The change in language helped me a lot to "distance" myself a bit from my own words and feelings.
Another reason is: I really LOVE american men. No idea why that is. I just do.

How old are you?
well, ahhhhm, 40, tomorrow :-)

When did you first know that you are into spankings?
Around the age of 14.
I was never really interested in "vanilla" sex. Already my first sexual thoughts ever were linked with dominance and submission.

Are you strict?
Nope, not really. I am always trying to please my guy.  But sometimes being strict is the best way to please him ;-)

What kind of punishments do you use?
Well, I have actually used:
corner times, scoldings, orgasm denial, spankings, spankings otk, a belt, a hairbrush, writing lines, loss of privileges,... sometimes the small things make the biggest impact. It is all a matter of reaching the man emotionally and finding the right "spot" for him.

Is there a chance to meet you for real ?
Yes, there actually is a chance to meet me. I will be in San Francisco, Ca at the beginning of October. 

Where is the catch with you?

I tend to be possessive, demanding, loud. I want to be the center of attention. I am not always strong, there are times when I am feeling overwhelmed and need my man to be my rock.


  1. I wish you a happy birthday
    and many happy returns of that day.


  2. Happy Birthday wishes to a true Leo(nore). Always read of your travails and joys with great empathy and wish You all the best for a young fifth decade

  3. ami in DeutschlandJuly 28, 2015 at 5:07 PM

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich freue mich, Deine Mitteilungen zu lesen und wünsche Dir ein schönes Jahr.

  4. Happy birthday!


  5. Happy Birthday!! I have followed your blog for quite some time, and I thoroughly have enjoyed your posts!!


  6. @Ferns:
    Always good to hear from you. I think of you sometimes and I still very much enjoy reading your great blog.

    We virtually "know" each other a long time already :-) . It is always interesting to read your comments here or on other blogs.

    fifth decade? was there a need to mention that , lol.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog and thanks for the nice words.

    @ami in Deutschland:
    Thank you very much.

    my friend, thanks for reading my stuff all those years.

    Thanks for following my blog :-)

    thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes. It is much appreciated.

  7. Thanks your repartee.Life begins at 40(just kidding myself 70 is the new 40)so gather ye your rosebuds with slightly heightened consciousness of time and diminished ability to suffer fools gladly

  8. Happy Birthday from an American man. Your love is appreciated.


  9. @Jim:
    Thanks. Your comment is appreciated too. :-)

  10. You are entering the best part of your life now. I hope everything is moving in a positive direction.

  11. Wow! You returned! Wonderful. I missed you.
    FYI. I only loved one woman. One. Her maiden name was Stemwedel. Her brother is Still my best friend.
    We married when I returned from VN. Too early. I needed a few years to put myself back together.
    I carry the wound of our divorce to this day. Joyeux (sp) Noel.
