Friday, February 18, 2011

virginity and submission

When I started  my blog last year, I had not had much sexual experience.
To tell you the truth, I was still a virgin. I had never given myself to a man.
I had kissed a man, I had given a  hand job to a man, I had faked an orgasm when a man was touching me, but nothing more.
(Yes, I am serious.... you can close your mouth now. And btw I know about 3 or 4 hot women in her thirties who are still virgins...)

In a way, my blog life was a jump start into exploring my own sexuality. I was really fed up with the fact that I had never exerienced what it felt like to be in a partnership with a great man, to touch him,to feel him, to do all the "interesting" things with him. I was not so much missing the sexuality but more the emotional feeling of closeness and belonging.

I was not shy or fearful  as far as sexuality is concerned. I have always been open and frank about all things related to sexuality. I started masturbating when I was about 15 years old, and I am sure, as far as the "masturbation frequency" goes, I can compete with many of the male readers here :-)

Due to the crazy life of my father, I had always known what is going on in the world as far as sexuality is concerned. He did not molest me or anything, but he always shared his lovelife openly with me. Even at a time when I was not ready to hear about it yet.

In hindsight, domestic discipline and D/s was the perfect way for me to experience what I have been longing for in the past for many many years. My man was able to surrender himself to me in a way that still takes my breath away.

When I flew to him for the first time, both of us had to get used to each other. Which was to be expected. I basically just moved into his place. He had no chance of getting rid of me .... I was suddenly in his life.

And it went perfectly well.

Of course, there were a few challenging moments for both of us, but the fact that he agreed to me being the dominant one, even though I was in reality the "weaker", or "less experienced" one, made things very easy for me. His wonderful submission allowed me to live my dreams, allowed me to experience myself in ways I had only dreamed about.

I remember clearly thinking: That is so good, so easy, things are just flowing between us.

I have never asked him about it, but I guess my man could just feel that even though I was pretty dominant to him on some occasions, I would never actually harm him. And right now, when I am thinking at him, I feel like a loving mother for a child. I care about him on so many levels. I admire him for his knowledge. I can look up to him because he is older and more experienced. I love the way he treats me, so caring, so polite. And sometimes I just want to kick his butt ;-)

And I love that he gives me so much power.

The submissive male is actually the one who decides if and how far a woman can be dominant with him.
If you look at the picures of Ms. Marie and her husband, you can see that he is way taller and stronger than she is. And even though she sometimes uses restraints on him, there is no chance that she could actually treat him the way she does, if he would not agree to it. Shock collar or not ;-)

In the videos that servingB is posting, he is on the bed without any restraints at all. He could get up easily, but he accepts freely whatever B hands out.

And for me as a woman, such an attitude is fantastic. It is a sign of love one just can not get outside the d/s world.

I did not decide to have sex with a man in a vanilla relationship. Never really had it. There was just not enough incentive for me to surrender to any vanilla man.

But to my man, who surrendered himself to me, I will always submit unconditionally.


  1. Tina, Happy to hear that you found your man and like you said its about acceptance and counter-acceptance.
    In my opinion, 30 and still being a virgin, when you are keeping yourself for that some one special, its really a wonderful feeling:-*.like you said lust is only beginning what give life is the feeling of closeness and belonging.

    I so much find coming across this kind of thoughts, this is why we like you.

  2. Dear Tina,

    this is another post I loved to read. Thanks a lot. It once again left the impression that you are a caring, rational, down-to-earth-person with much love to give. I can very well imagine that your man feels extremly good at your side.

    There are other Femdom-blogs I read more or less frequently (I don't want to name them here), which leave a very different impression: Any random domme in one of those blogs will state over and over again that her husband sooo hates this or that, that he feels sooo humiliated doing this or that, that he makes sooo much resistence ... but nevertheless, SHE, the uber-domme doesn't give a damn about it - she will urge him, force him and in the end always get her will, regardless whether he agrees or not.

    When I read such postings, I often ask myself, whether those women really believe that themselves; whether the image they try to convey with their blog really reflects what's going on in their partnerships. If this were true, they seem to be quite self-delusional, since - as you say - "there is no chance that she could actually treat him the way she does, if he would not agree to it".

    But besides that ... what I really miss in those blogs are emotions, love, affection ... simply all the mental things that are the fundament and the cornerstones of a loving relationship (instead they nearly exclusively speak of forcing, coercing, disdaining, and disclaim any romantic compound - even the slightest one). To me this simply isn't comprehensible to be an image of their real life - it's staged up to accomodate fantasies; if their relationship really looked like the image they try to convey in their blogs, it would be hard to believe that they still are together as a couple, because you'd suspect that the husband rather would have been taking to his heels long before.

    This is completely different in your blog, in the blog of ServingB and in the blogs of some others. There clearly conveys affection, consideration, love, care ... and also doubts and hesitations. It's completely understandable to me, why you love your partner and why he wants to be together with you too. There's no staging, no dramatical effects to create a quite fancy, but noncredible image. That's why I love your blog (although your favourite kind of D/s isn't much in line with mine).

    I wish you all the best.

  3. Tina - You write an interesting account - and yes, very surprising. It seems to be working for you - so good. You're right about the size difference between me and my sissy. However, once he submits to restraints or the shock collar, I really can do most anything - even against his will. The point, however, is this is something he desires - submitting his control to me. And of course, I desire it more. Did I have to force him into our arrangement? Not at all. The arrangement doesn't spell out particular acts - it's more of an umbrella control.

    The rest of my comment has to do with Rene's comment. I hope you'll forgive me for using your comment thread to 'respond' to him - but I also hope you will publish this.

    Rene - I tried not to get drawn into responding to your comment. But I guess I don't have as much control over myself as I pretend. First of all, either you need to name names or shut up. Really. I can somewhat understand your point but the vitriol is overshadowing whatever point you are making. Perhaps your inability to believe that such relationships could actually exist is because it couldn't actually exist for you. I happen to be one of the uber-dommes (ridiculous) who doesn't write much about love and affection. I don't pretend. I do 'stage' some of my photos because once I'm actually in the middle of playing, I can't take photos. It's not something that you just 'figured out'. It's a fairly obvious m.o. I can assure you (though I don't know why I bother) that my husband will not be leaving anytime soon. He is happier than he has ever been. You cannot judge another relationship based on how you would feel in the same shoes. My husband is not one who is all wishy-washy, touchy-feely, smooshed up and emotional inside. I doubt we would still be together if he was - I couldn't handle being married to such a sap. I am not a 'traditional' emotional woman at all, never have been - maybe I'm broken from early life experiences - but I'm not fake. And even if you were not referring to my blog - which doesn't seem likely - you should not say such things then hide behind the disclaimer that you 'won't name them here'. It's cowardly.

  4. MsMarie,
    I didn't name the blogs not because I was a coward, but because I didn't want to speak about a specific blog at all. Since you seem to recognize yourself in my comment, I won't deny now that your blog was one of them I was speaking about, but certainly not the only one.
    I didn't judge you or your relationship (at least I didn't want to). And I very well believe that your husband is happy about what's going on in your relationship ... I just said that this to me (!) is hard to believe, if one only knows what you're telling us about it in your blog.
    But back to what my comment really was about: It was about me loving the kind of blog Tina or ServingB or some other bloggers are writing much more than blogs of the kind you and others (!) are writing. It was about my personal likes and dislikes - and about the reasons of it. That's all. I didn't want to offend, neither you nor any other blogger, who's blog I don't like that much ... that's why I didn't name them.


  5. Rene - I'm not sure how you could imagine what you said to not be offensive. but whatever. You keep enjoying the blogs you enjoy and I'll do the same. I'll also enjoy a fulfilling, genuine relationship that is meeting both my needs and my husband's.

